Data Annotation, some explanations

Data annotation

You may have heard of data annotation, but do you know what it is? Netino by Webhelp is here to explain it to you! | AI and Data Annotation Data annotation is the process of labeling available data in various formats such as text, video, or images. Labeling refers to classifying, categorizing, organizing, and ordering…

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5 essential tools for your content creation

Are you constantly looking for (free) tools for your content creation? Don’t worry, so are we! Today we are sharing 5 tools that are essential to us for creating content to share on our social networks. • Canva A well-known and recognized tool, Canva is undoubtedly one of the best online tools for creating content…

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Graphic Charter: Step by Step

Bannière Article Charte Graphique

A graphic charter is a document that compiles the rules and codes applicable to all communication media of a company. It includes all the essential components for graphic creations, such as the logo, fonts, colors, among others. The graphic charter serves as a guideline for a company’s brand image and any type of communication, regardless…

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Content Marketing: adopt the “less is more” approach

Your company is present on social media, you have something to say, a product to sell, and you want the whole world to know about it. An abundance of posts, a race for likes, excessive sponsorships, and chasing after subscribers are all traps that you are likely to fall into in the hope of growing…

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Content Management, the Art of Form!

Content management is a service that is unknown to the general public and businesses, but that concerns us all on a daily basis! It is defined as the process of collecting and transcribing information in all formats, audio, video, or written. This involves both the inspiring writing of product presentations, as well as videos or…

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4 Tips to create memorable product sheets

To illustrate your product sheets, is it enough to take beautiful photos? Not so sure! In order to stand out from the competition and make an impression on your visitors, new means of illustration must now be used. We will see through concrete examples how e-retailers combine creativity and new technologies to differentiate their product…

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4 Tools for managing your customer reviews

As you know, but perhaps not enough: your customer reviews are particularly important for your brand image. According to Nielsen surveys, 68% of people rely on online reviews before making a purchase decision. Even though the food and hospitality industries are the main sectors concerned with managing customer reviews, other sectors are not left behind.…

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