Tiktok for your business? Yes, please!

Yes, yet another article about Tiktok… But how can we not talk about it? Whether you want to ride the trends, adapt to a new audience, or refresh a brand image, it’s THE social network where everyone still has a chance.

We all know that standing out on the internet is becoming increasingly difficult: thank you algorithms (which are always the convenient excuse when a post doesn’t work, right?). On Tiktok, it’s different, and we have at least 50 good reasons to encourage you to open an account for your business!

| Become as viral as Charli d’Amelo

What we love about Tiktok is that you don’t need to have 15 million subscribers for your content to be promoted. One of your videos can go viral just because you used the right music, your content was informative, or you went all-in on humor. Suffice it to say that there are no rules!

Basic videos require minimal editing and resources to be published, so it won’t require a colossal investment, apart from a little bit of time. If you decide to launch your business on Tiktok, at best, you’ll reach a new audience and new prospects, and at worst, you’ll have a few minutes of unnoticed videos. Which is still quite rare since Tiktok’s strong point lies in its “For You” section and its machine learning technology, so your content will inevitably be shown to a user already interested in the subject you’ve chosen to address.

| Jump ahead!

We don’t know about you, but our competitors aren’t on Tiktok yet. Most of the companies and brands that have already taken the plunge are communication aces with a digital strategy at the center of their marketing, such as these 8 brands to follow on Tiktok – according to the Blog du Modérateur. If you’re going to jump in, it’s now!

So, will you find your target audience there? Will it match the identity of your business? Do you really need it for your online presence? At Netino by Webhelp, our experts can help you implement a communication strategy tailored to your needs. The answers to the previous questions will depend on your goals and the future of Tiktok. The platform has over 1 billion users worldwide, so there’s no doubt your audience is there too.

Ultimately, nothing is stopping you from launching your business on Tiktok! You have nothing to lose but a little bit of time at most. Tiktok is a new communication channel that allows you to convey messages creatively and show your work to internet users with an algorithm that gives everyone a chance. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need help getting started on the app, and stay tuned for an article on Tiktok trends for businesses and tips for making a good video!

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"Tiktok for your business? Yes, please!"