Social Listening: Pitfalls to Avoid 

The implementation of an effective social listening strategy does not rely solely on the selection of the tool that will accompany you. Indeed, it is important to have a well-thought-out action plan beforehand to avoid getting lost in the mountain of data that your social listening tool will provide. In 2020, the number of messages…

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Social Listening, listening to better engage 

Social listening is generally defined as a listening activity. Too often, it is summed up in the following sentence: knowing what is said about you on the internet. In reality, this field is much broader. Social listening is listening, but it is also analyzing, understanding, and interacting.  It allows us to learn from the past…

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Our tips and tricks for launching a social listening project 

Social listening is often defined as an activity of listening. The idea is to monitor all social media platforms to identify publications mentioning your brand, your products, your company’s keywords, but also those related to your competitors. Unlike social media monitoring, where quantitative data is important to measure engagement rate and number of mentions, social…

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Fake News: Information and Disinformation

At Netino, we are well aware of fake news and whether they are published in the comments of a video or are the subject of an article, they are plentiful online. With the pandemic, we clearly see them multiply. We are all familiar with the results of MIT’s research: on social networks, a fake news…

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The Role of Social Media in the Fight Against Misinformation

Facebook’s oversight board has made a definitive decision: the social media account of former US President Donald Trump will remain suspended for two years! As a reminder, the former president had incited his supporters to invade the Capitol and also used his account to assert that the elections he had just lost were rigged. Netino…

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Fake News: What are the contexts that favor their spread?

Although the concept of fake news was popularized by the US campaign between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, the use of misinformation is actually much older. In “The Art of War,” General Sun Tzu in the 6th century already explained the importance of finding a compromise between truth and lies to transform fake news into…

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Why does AI require human action to moderate?

Your brand’s pages require special attention. Security and respect in these areas of dialogue, exchange, and customer relations are, of course, a priority for your image. Part of this vast clean-up of inappropriate comments is in the hands of platforms and their AI, ensuring compliance with their charter. But these algorithms are far from infallible,…

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Twitch & Brands: Communication Best Practices

Twitch, the platform known for its video game streaming, is gradually establishing itself in the marketing strategy of all kinds of companies. EDF, Samsung, Burberry, but also PSG and France Télévisions are among the pioneers of a new type of communication. And for good reason, Twitch allows access to the famous 13-34 year old target…

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Influence marketing: Another way to communicate on social media

At the end of 2020, the partnership between TikTok star Charli D’Amelio and multinational cosmetic and hygiene company Procter & Gamble turned out to be a real marketing success. The idea was to showcase the influencer performing a dance and inviting her community to replicate the choreography. The distance dance challenge was launched, but in…

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Social Media Trends 2021

Between lockdown and curfew, the pandemic has disrupted our daily lives. In France, the government prioritizes teleworking and the closure of companies whose activity is considered non-essential to limit the spread of the virus. With limited social interactions, the need for contact between humans and the measures taken accentuate the digitization of our behaviors. We…

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Instagram guide to being trendy

In just 11 years, Instagram has gone from the “little guy in social media” in 2010 to one of the most important and attractive networks in the digital world, surpassing one billion monthly active users. To the point that “the platform of influence” is experiencing a growth rate that exceeds that of its main competitor,…

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Twitch, a new space for dialogue

Twitch, the world’s number one live content platform, is unknown to advertisers. They are hesitant to invest in it despite it being a great promotional tool! Let’s take a closer look at this social network that has reached the pinnacle of online human interaction. | Live-streaming as a new mode of communication In just a…

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Critiquing on social media? Yes, but with moderation

Behind every Facebook page, website, or comment section is a moderation service. Many are unaware of this and have never had the opportunity to realize it, but these moderators, both human and algorithmic, are essential to any online exchange. Some may see it as a form of censorship carried out by platforms. This is probably…

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Content Management, the Art of Form!

Content management is a service that is unknown to the general public and businesses, but that concerns us all on a daily basis! It is defined as the process of collecting and transcribing information in all formats, audio, video, or written. This involves both the inspiring writing of product presentations, as well as videos or…

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4 Tips to create memorable product sheets

To illustrate your product sheets, is it enough to take beautiful photos? Not so sure! In order to stand out from the competition and make an impression on your visitors, new means of illustration must now be used. We will see through concrete examples how e-retailers combine creativity and new technologies to differentiate their product…

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The keys to a calm moderation for your brand image

Content moderation is often an essential step in managing a brand’s social media presence, especially in terms of its e-reputation. In fact, there is an increasing amount of hateful comments being posted on social media. It is therefore essential to establish rules that allow for consistent and coherent moderation. But moderation must also respect the…

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TikTok Business: Unmoderated Content

TikTok has become a giant among trendy digital platforms, making it the most popular social network today! In 2020, the app has no less than 14.9 million active monthly users in France, and 1 billion worldwide. Available in 155 countries, TikTok has become the most downloaded app in the world. With such a large and…

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4 Tools for managing your customer reviews

As you know, but perhaps not enough: your customer reviews are particularly important for your brand image. According to Nielsen surveys, 68% of people rely on online reviews before making a purchase decision. Even though the food and hospitality industries are the main sectors concerned with managing customer reviews, other sectors are not left behind.…

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