Social commerce: a new era of online shopping

Social commerce is a form of e-commerce that uses social media platforms to promote and sell products and services. This approach integrates social and interactive features such as customer reviews, recommendations, shares, and comments to facilitate and enhance the online shopping experience. Social commerce distinguishes itself from traditional e-commerce by leveraging social interactions to drive…

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TIKTOK: The New Reputation Manager!

In the dynamic universe of social media, TikTok has quickly emerged as an essential platform for building one’s online presence. With its unique algorithm and engaging features, this application provides an exceptional opportunity to gain recognition and establish a strong online presence. Let’s explore how to maximize your visibility on TikTok! | TIKTOK: The El…

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UGC: These Friends Who Mean Well !

If you’ve ever wondered what a cinema brand could bring to your customer relationship, this article is for you! UGC, aside from being a place to watch the latest film by Toledano and Nakache, is one of the tools that will best serve your brand image. Behind these three letters, we find the words User…

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The trends not to miss !

The world of digital marketing is in constant evolution, and to remain competitive, it is essential to closely monitor emerging trends. As we approach the end of 2023 and look ahead to 2024, several innovations are redefining the landscape of digital marketing. Let’s take a look! | Artificial Intelligence in Marketing Artificial intelligence (AI) is…

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Survival Guide in the Digital Environment

Social networks are an integral part of our daily lives, and like any digital tool, the numerous advantages they offer come with a certain number of risks. You can find, in one of our recent articles, ways to combat cyberbullying. Regarding the risks of addiction and confinement, we recommend the excellent documentary “The Social Dilemma,”…

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AI in Social Media: A Digital Revolution

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made its way into the media and social networks! In the digital age, media and platforms are increasingly reliant on AI to provide more personalized content, enhance user engagement, and even detect fake news. Let’s take a closer look at this newcomer in our lives! | Artificial Intelligence: Going Back to…

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Cyberbullying: How to Deal With It?

In France, insults, mockery, racist, sexist, or homophobic hate messages have been or are a daily reality for four out of ten internet users. Among 18-25 year-olds, this number even reaches 60%. School bullying no longer stops at the school gates but invades the privacy of their own rooms. Finding a solution or imagining it…

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GP Explorer 2: Brands, Ready, Set, Go!

You’ve probably heard about it! On Saturday, September 9th, the GP Explorer took place, the second edition of a Formula 4 race initiated by the number one content creator in France, Squeezie. Each edition has proven to be a record-breaking event: On Twitch, where the audience reached a peak of 1.3 million people simultaneously watching…

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5 Tips for a great Back-to-School Social Media Season!

Ah, back-to-school season… It’s always difficult to say goodbye to the sound of the waves and endless naps to hop on the subway. September isn’t just about gray skies and feeling down; it’s also synonymous with getting back in action, and we all know that a successful return requires preparation! So, here are our five…

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Social Media, the new essential for customer experience

In France, 76% of the population is active on social media, and on average, the 4.66 billion internet users worldwide spend 2 hours and 34 minutes behind their screens every day. Such figures leave no room for doubt: your company must be present on these platforms. That’s why we offer you a quick overview of…

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Twitter 2023: New Features for a New Experience

As a user or social media expert, it is essential to stay updated on the latest trends and new features emerging on different platforms. Today, we’re sharing a recap of the latest Twitter innovations. Since the beginning of 2023, the platform has continued to evolve and make improvements to offer an increasingly rich and dynamic…

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How to effectively manage your company’s online reputation?

Online reputation has become a key element in the communication strategy of companies. Customers search for information about your company before making a decision, so it is essential that you effectively manage your e-reputation. Follow these steps to effectively manage your brand image. | Monitor your online reputation The first step to effectively managing your…

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Outsource your social media management

Social networks have become essential platforms for companies looking to develop their online presence. However, social media management can be a time-consuming and complex task, requiring specialized expertise to maximize impact and effectiveness. That’s why many companies choose to outsource their social media presence to external providers. What are the advantages and disadvantages? Let’s get…

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Instagram: Why your brand absolutely needs to be there

Instagram has become one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. With over 1 billion active users each month, it has become an essential communication channel for businesses wanting to connect with their target audience. If your business is not yet present on Instagram, it’s time to reconsider your marketing strategy. |…

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Kick: Real competitor or just a Twitch copy?

Kick is a new streaming platform that hopes to compete with Twitch. What can we expect from it? Is it worth abandoning the purple logo for Kick? Will our favorite streamers make the switch? | Kick vs Twitch: No difference? You may have heard about it if you’re a regular, Twitch has decided to ban…

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5 KPIs to monitor to analyze your community

Social networks like Instagram and LinkedIn have become essential tools for companies looking to develop their online presence and communicate with their community. To effectively manage a community on social networks, it is important to monitor and analyze different key performance indicators (KPIs). Here are five important KPIs to monitor to manage a community on…

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Resolutions 2023 to succeed with digital marketing

Adopting new resolutions can be an excellent way to start the year by setting goals and planning their achievements. At Netino by Webhelp, we are ready to advise and support you on all your social media goals, but we also give you the keys to managing your social networks well. Ready for 2023? | Start…

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Instagram, a mixed 2022 review 

Instagram has made headlines this year, but maybe not always for the better. Is its strategy working? Who is this network for today? What new features were introduced in 2022? Netino by Webhelp has prepared the Instagram 2022 review for you.  | Jealousy that drives growth  No one will argue, except perhaps Meta, but Instagram…

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Twitch, a great year in 2022

Twitch 2022

It’s impossible that you haven’t heard of Twitch, especially after the year that just passed. Events, French records, a new management portal for content creators. Netino by Webhelp summarizes for you the things to remember for Twitch in 2022. | Events, again and again It seems like everything happened on Twitch this year! Streamers have…

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TikTok: An Eldorado for influencers but not only…

Tiktok eldorado des influenceurs

TikTok is a short-form music video-sharing app. Launched in September 2016 in China by ByteDance, the company acquired (a competing platform) for nearly a billion dollars in 2017 and thus gained all of its members. It is the social network that has seen the strongest growth, in all countries combined. At the beginning of…

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REDDIT, the network of engagement!


It is quite difficult to introduce Reddit to those who are still unfamiliar with it because before being a social network where entertainment, debate, mutual aid, and news coexist, it is a community! The 16th most visited site in the world with one and a half billion monthly visitors has developed some codes that are…

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Back to the Future for Twitch

👉 The future of Twitch is uncertain. However, it is possible to make assumptions about its future by observing trends and following the latest advances that have been implemented on the site in recent years. • An increasingly diverse audience and content creators “This is not a niche for video game players, but several uses…

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Twitch and its evolution in 8 key figures

Twitch is a platform that has evolved and undergone considerable transformation since its creation in 2011, while still retaining its primary identity. In this series of 3 articles, we will discuss how a platform dedicated to pure gaming has become a major communication channel on the internet. In this first article, we will present 8…

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Instagram guide to being trendy

In just 11 years, Instagram has gone from the “little guy in social media” in 2010 to one of the most important and attractive networks in the digital world, surpassing one billion monthly active users. To the point that “the platform of influence” is experiencing a growth rate that exceeds that of its main competitor,…

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Twitch, a new space for dialogue

Twitch, the world’s number one live content platform, is unknown to advertisers. They are hesitant to invest in it despite it being a great promotional tool! Let’s take a closer look at this social network that has reached the pinnacle of online human interaction. | Live-streaming as a new mode of communication In just a…

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